URI/AAUP Promotion & Tenure Workshop

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 1:00 PM –  4:00 PM ET
Memorial Union, Atrium 1

Join URI/AAUP Executive Director Jay Walsh, President Parlange, Provost Wolfe, Vice Provost
Bodah, and Dean Riley in a discussion of the process of promotion and tenure. In addition,
faculty who have been recently promoted and/or tenured will share their experience with the
process and the techniques and strategies they found successful. The complete program is as

Greetings & Introductions
Jay Walsh, URI/AAUP Executive Director

Perspectives of the President & Provost
Marc Parlange, President
Barbara Wolfe, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dean’s Perspective
Jeannette Riley, College of Arts & Sciences

Department Chair’s Perspective
Disa Hatfield, Professor, Kinesiology

Faculty Perspective
Daniel Roxbury, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
Ian Reyes, Professor, Communication Studies

Question & Answers
Vice Provost for Academic Personnel Matthew Bodah and Executive Director Walsh will end the program by answering any additional questions you have.

This workshop is designed for tenure-track, clinical, and research faculty.

